Employer Branding and Recruitment Marketing

It's more than just "Help wanted!" ads

Employer Branding and Recruitment Marketing

Recruitment = Marketing

The tried and true methods of recruiting - online job banks, help wanted ads, headhunting aren't going anywhere. But are they netting you the quality candidates you're looking for? Perhaps you're looking for a way to take your recruitment marketing (because it IS marketing) to the next level within the digital and online sphere.

Mesa de trabajo 1Recruiting-Diversity-CandidatesToday, as many as 46% of recruiters see their jobs as marketing positions rather than just an "employee-finding-service." What's shocking is that the other percentage doesn't view their job from a marketing standpoint. This means those who come to the table with the correct marketing mindset have a significant advantage in today's uber-competitive marketplace. With so much of today's job and employment marketplace residing in the digital space and dependent on user reviews (or team member testimonials), social media interactions, or the ability of a recruiter and job seeker to communicate directly and effectively, it's become essential for recruiters to assume more marketing-esque roles to fill their positions with the right candidates.

What's essential: it's not too late. For recruiters looking to take their recruitment process to the next level and incorporate core recruitment market trends, there is still time to make a sizeable impact by adopting a more marketing and employer-branding-minded strategy instead of waiting for a resume to hit your inbox.

Amplify Your Search With Recruitment Content

It sounds straightforward. You want to start with something simple; a blog. You create an account with a blog platform or content management system, open a new template within that system, bang out an article, click publish, and you're done. Suddenly, your applicant tracking system is flooded with qualified applicants. You have your pick of the top talent to fill your vacancies, grow your company, and emerge as a powerhouse within your industry. While we'd all like this to happen, it's not reality. 

office-581131_1280 (1)Creating relevant and educational content is Inbound Marketing, drawing in prospective customers with targeted, relevant content and turning them into leads. But strategies take time to develop and prove a return on investment, content needs to be approached with consideration and care, and messaging and narrative should be carefully constructed to ensure potential candidates feel your company is authentic, honest, and operates with integrity for candidates to see themselves as part of your organization.

But how do you accomplish this? What principles or best practices should you know when starting a recruitment marketing blog? With these questions in mind, let's examine six seemingly simple (yet extremely powerful) tips for starting a recruitment marketing blog that will guide you on this journey and provide guidance in your blog's early days.

1. Define Your Blogging Goal

To define your recruitment marketing goal, examine your motivation to start down the blogging path in the first place. Are you looking to enhance your employer branding or drive more consistent engagement with the passive jobseeker? Are you aiming to fill current positions more dynamically than merely publicizing links to online application portals? Or, are you hoping to establish your company as a thought leader in your industry by leveraging in-depth pieces based on extensive research, experts within your organization, and gathered content from various sources outside your organization?

Consider this: 75% of professionals are passive job seekers, according to CareerArc. This means that  ¾ of the applicant pool relative to your industry is A) not looking for a career change, and B) needs to be heavily persuaded or enticed to learn more about your company and learn what you can offer them in terms of incentives, empowerment, work-life balance, perks, or competitive advantages for their career track compared to their current employer.

Each of the impetuses listed above for launching a recruitment market blog is valid and worth pursuing, but identifying one as the prime motivator will not only help provide an overriding direction for the content you subsequently populate your blog with (as well as accurately judge how successful your blog becomes), but it will help address each of the following points of practice we discuss.

2. Identify Your Audience

In any writing or content creation endeavor, you must answer two basic yet critical questions: What is your purpose, and who is your search-for-work-on-the-internet-linkedin-page-on-the-display-of-laptopaudience? We addressed the point of purpose above, so now you need to identify your audience for your recruitment marketing blog in general and individual blog posts. A passive job seeker needs to be engaged differently from an active one. The candidate with 15 years of experience and in the middle of their career journey has different needs than the new college or grad school graduate.

Identifying who your content is for and what you want your audience to take away from your blog post is the heart and soul of basic marketing strategies and thus holds for recruitment marketing and your blog. To demonstrate that you and your company understand what the job seeker values and desires in a workplace, you need to speak to them in a way they can connect.

3. Find Your Voice

Finding the right voice and tone for your blog will likely come as you continue to create, publish, review, and refine your recruitment marketing content. But if you notice our first two tips, you'll find that discovering your voice and tone will likely chart its course and present itself to you rather than you having to go hunting for it.

That said, you can make some very considered and metered moves to help find and establish the voice and tone of your blog.

For example, consider a basic question: What industry are you operating in? If you're in the healthcare industry, a space where your employees, brand, and image hinges on people putting their lives in your hands, a more wistful tone or voice will not be the style you want to leverage content on. On the other hand, if you're in the tech industry, a space that is rife with big personalities and innovative approaches to problems and challenges, perhaps a lighter, more candid-driven approach to tone and voice makes more sense, especially given the kind of talent you're trying to attract.

The bottom line with voice: You must speak your audience's language – let that be your guide.

4. Think Outside of Text

camera-2125549_1280Remember: a blog doesn't mean a 500-word article about your company culture or an informative piece about how X or Y passive job seekers with given credentials can be a good fit for your organization. While those certainly are worthy pieces to consider, it's essential to vary the content on your blog, and this means making an effort to incorporate video, audio, photos, dynamic photo presentations (slideshow), graphs, infographics, or other visual representations of data – especially given that much of your blog traffic will likely be from mobile devices where these kinds of content pieces are more readily received.

But within the realm of text, don't forget about the power of team member testimonials, profiles, or other narrative-driven blog entries that put your employees front and center and give them a voice to help spread the gospel of your culture, brand, and overall candidate experience.

5. Curate Content

We assume by now you've noticed how much of this blog entry is devoted to strategic frameworks or solutions to the problem of managing a recruitment blog effectively – we're not advocating that you jump in headfirst and see what happens. The same is true of how you roll out or curate content. This is where the concept of a monthly editorial or content calendar helps better strategize the kind of content you're publishing, when and how you're working to amplify your content, whether it's through automated email updates, social media posts, or other means of driving traffic to your blog.

When conceiving your blog, don't just throw stuff at the wall and see what sticks – create a plan for your content and see that plan to fruition.

6. Analyze Performance

business documents on office table with smart phone and laptop computer and graph financial with social network diagram and three colleagues discussing data in the background

Recruitment professionals know: Data tells the story, and numbers drive decisions. With your recruitment blog, it's essential to regularly review the reporting and analytics (page views, shares, link clicks, bounce rates, and other integrated dashboard metrics) to understand better what is resonating with your audience and driving traffic and engagement on your blog entries. You also want to ensure that your ROI is worth it. 

Don't be afraid to move off ideas, concepts, themes, or tropes that aren't engaging your audience in the ways you hoped or where the reporting isn't supporting the time and resources you're putting into the content. Similarly, do not turn a blind eye to happy accidents or opportunities presented by the data in terms of content you didn't necessarily envision as moving the needle but promoting robust engagement and, hopefully, interest in your career opportunities.

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Moving Beyond The Recruitment Blog

As mentioned above, blogging is not the only path in crafting or shaping your company's narrative or prompting passive and active jobseekers to explore what your company offers and ultimately apply for open positions. And in actuality, it shouldn't be your sole tool to communicate, position, and illuminate why your company is an important thought leader and true disruptor in your industry.


Ask any sales or marketing team about the diversification of their strategic frameworks. You'll get explanations about channel variance, A/B testing, and how different kinds of content can function or influence customers differently. The same should be true of your recruitment marketing content. Any recruitment team that leverages a lone source of content and messaging is rubbing two sticks together while other companies are walking around with a Zippo lighter.

It's time to look beyond the blog, so let's examine different content media that today's hiring managers should be deploying.


Social media

Whereas an Inbound Marketing strategy via a blog and email platform is essentially its little sandbox for conveying narrative and messaging career opportunities and an employer brand, the same goes for social media.

First, from a recruitment marketing perspective, defining what we mean by social media is essential. Yes, social media, of course, means Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Still, let's take social media as a platform for companies to communicate with potential candidates and for candidates to commiserate with each other. We must include platforms like LinkedIn and sites with job board components like Indeed and Glassdoor.

Secondly, let's quickly dispel social media as merely a vehicle to post links to your blog posts, landing pages, or other Inbound Marketing content pieces. Yes, while you can and should be doing this to help amplify your content, you should also be using social media as a vehicle for exclusive, unique content designed to engage the passive and active job seeker in the language of that platform. You can click on our blog to learn how to make your social media recruitment marketing stand out. 

Some key things to consider: 

  • Photos: Social media is a visual platform - use that to your advantage. Photos used on social media should be authentic and genuine. They should showcase current employees, locations/facilities, or actual processes your company conducts as part of its daily operations.

  • Video: Brevity is not only the soul of wit, but it's also the soul of social media videos that drive reach, engagement, shares, and hopefully clicks and apply to your job applications. As with photos, you want your videos to be professional but don't want them to be too polished. Today's technology can put quality video shooting and editing power in the hands of your recruitment team via an iPad, which is a reasonably low-cost investment, rather than investing in a videographer or marketing agency. 

  • Polls: Whether it's Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn, the use of a well-crafted question via a poll can not only drive people to engage and interact with your profile (which creates a captive audience that may be more apt to apply for open positions and at least keep you top of mind) but recruitment teams can – depending on the question – use responses or polling data to understand better what job seekers value and how you can incorporate those values into your processes, workflows, or subsequent content.

A survey by Clutch found that 1 in 10 hiresr in today's job market came directly from content, engagement, or interaction between a recruiter and candidate on social media.


Yes, we just mentioned short, intimate videos specifically designed for use on social, but longer, more sophisticated video content for use in other contexts is also an important vehicle to reach different segments. Frankly, using video in your recruitment marketing strategy should be a given. As many as 78% of marketers believe that video content, whether on social media or your website, should be a key component of your content strategy. It's easy to digest, it's engaging, and most of all, it's shareable. It also demonstrates to a potential job candidate that your company is game for adapting to technology, new ways of thinking, and how people communicate and share ideas.

Before starting, ask yourself these questions:

  • Does your company maintain a YouTube channel?

  • Do you house videos on your website?

  • Do you use videos in any email marketing campaigns?

  • Do you make video content the focal point of a landing page?

Each question represents a situation or context prime for video content as a functional variant of blogging or more traditional written content. Common push-back on the suggestion to incorporate video content into a recruitment marketing strategy stems from a place of budget and expenditures. In reality, an in-house team can do it at a reasonable cost. 

three young man siting on ground while modern video camera recordingHowever, one quick hack is simply repurposing existing video content but reframing how said content is prefaced. For example, say you're discussing how your organization is forward-thinking, progressive, and provides employees with the best tools and resources, rather than creating content to explicitly demonstrate that pulling a product, process, or solution demo video from your company's library can be just as useful. From that, you can craft a social, blog, email, or landing page post that reframes the angle of vision from a recruitment and employer branding vantage point.

Other video options can include team member testimonials, guided tours, or profiles of exceptional employees. We've comprehensively looked at the best video types for recruitment in our blog

Speaking of Testimonials

LinkedIn says employees are 3x more trusted than employers regarding messaging and how passive and active job seekers perceive a company. That means such recruitment marketing components as team member testimonials, team member reviews on sites like Indeed and Glassdoor, and any referral-marketing-based strategy where employees spread the good word about a company's attributes or standing within the industry holds much more weight than anything your recruitment and marketing team can create. So use it. Any instances of team member portrait of young businessman in casual clothes at modern  startup business office space,  working on laptop  computerfeedback, reviews, ratings, and testimonials placed on those job sites or your site are fair game and can be leveraged in various contexts and channels. In addition, don't forget to make your testimonials. Actively source and create testimonials from employees your recruitment team feels best to demonstrate or embody your company's culture, mission, and vision.

Testimonials can be applied or deployed in various methods and mediums – from regular blog posts or specific, dedicated pages on your website to email campaigns and social media posts. Also, don't relegate team member testimonials to strictly text forms. This is where short videos for social use also come in handy — putting employees on camera and having them respond to one question about what makes your company an excellent place to launch and develop a career can pay dividends.


Food for thought regarding podcasts: 

  • 165 million Americans have listened to a podcast during the last month.

  • 70 percent of Americans are familiar with podcasting.

  • Podcasting spans more than 100 languages worldwide.

While some still believe podcasting is a niche content form, these statistics clearly show that podcasts are not on the rise but have arrived as a way in which people absorb information regularly. As such, this makes podcasting a potent tool in your recruitment marketing toolbox not only for the reach and amplitude but also because it's a content form your audience can engage with while completing other tasks – which is extremely valuable in today's multi-tasking world, especially if you're trying to reach the passive job seeker. Also, generating a podcast can be as easy as repurposing content you already have

In addition, podcasting is still consumed primarily by today's younger generation. Suppose you ask any recruitment team or hiring manager. In that case, it is a prime demographic that is often difficult to reach, given the sheer volume of competition and noise from other companies and industries.

After you've done all that - created a robust marketing plan comprised of blogs, videos, social media, and testimonials, what then? How do you know if it's working? 

Measuring Recruitment Marketing ROI

The concepts and principles of recruitment marketing and employer branding frameworks outlined above seem extremely attractive to talent acquisition managers and specialists because they demonstrate to candidates an acumen with technology and current thought leadership. But all that means nothing if you can't track it and prove it works with cold, hard data.

White Button with Web Traffic on Computer Keyboard. Internet Concept.Data tells a story, reporting drives action and analytics push how recruitment teams deploy strategies or tactics in applicant sourcing. This means that proving return on investment in recruitment marketing and employer branding must be defined and communicated for recruiters to understand the value proposition in continuing to engage job seekers in a marketing-driven way.

But what are the critical metrics in recruitment marketing? How can today's recruitment specialists understand ROI? What data points should recruitment teams look to as proof of concept? With these questions in mind, let's examine five key ways to measure recruitment marketing ROI.

The Time to Hire

Perhaps paramount in a recruiter's dashboard (perhaps overcome by one metric we'll discuss in a moment) is the time to hire or accept, depending on your industry and company's verbiage. Regardless, we're talking about the following elements:

  • the number of days that elapse from posting a job vacancy to

  • engaging in recruitment strategy, and

  • having a candidate accept an offer.

In terms of a marketing funnel, think of time to hire in the same realm as the buyer's journey – the time from when a visitor to your blog or website became a lead, was nurtured, and then finally turned into a conversion via closing the deal of a sale.

It's a simple question: Did a recruitment marketing strategy for a specific position in a specific market with a specific amount of resources allocated for the campaign result in a shorter time to hire than a similar position in a similar market without a recruitment marketing strategy?

That's the question a recruitment specialist needs to answer to evaluate whether recruitment marketing effectively impacts the hiring time.

The Cost Per Hire

As referenced above, the cost per hire is perhaps the only metric that can dwarf time to hire, especially given the restraints, constrictions, and increased agility companies across the board had to face after the COVID-19 pandemic. The elements that factor into cost per hire can vary by industry, but essentially you're looking at:

  • Promoting the position on job boards like Indeed

  • Utilizing outside search firms

  • Leveraging a temp agency to fill a position while a long-term candidate is found

  • Other outreach and engagement methods include posting a position to a professional organization or using a third party to help funnel applications or mailing lists.

The costs of these avenues can range based on the depth at which recruiters deploy them. As with our time-to-hire example, it's imperative to judge the ROI of recruitment marketing in an apples-to-apples fashion. You can't judge how a recruitment marketing strategy fared with a highly-skilled position in a very competitive marketing compared with an entry-level position in a feast-and-famine market.

If all things are equal and your cost per hire decreases when you execute a recruitment marketing strategy, you have the ammunition you need regarding proof of concept.

Social Media Engagement

While the first two ROI metrics relate directly to recruitment, analytics, and reporting regarding social media help, prove directlyHand holding smartphone with colorful app icons concept how well job seekers receive your employer brand, narrative, and messaging – both passive and active job seekers. The key data points are impressions (how many viewed your content), engagement (how many people liked, shared, commented on, or otherwise interacted with your content), and your amount of spend per boosted post or ad, particularly on sites like Facebook and Instagram, but also on platforms such as Twitter and LinkedIn.

In addition, regarding Twitter, another valuable metric is re-Tweets or how many times your Tweet was copied and Tweeted on another user's profile. And, hey, if you can get your content trending (as long as it's positive), you're most likely golden in reaching the maximum number of eyeballs with your employer branding.

But social media platforms like Facebook can also help evaluate how effective content is regarding recruitment. The number of link clicks on a certain post (particularly if you drive traffic back to a specific job post or landing page) can also help you better understand the number of job seekers engaged with your social content and job posting.

Web traffic

Similar to the social media engagement metrics, evaluating your web traffic reporting relative to your company's main website, individual landing pages, pillar pages, and other digital destinations are another KPI to consider when examining the strength, depth, and reach of your employer branding strategy. The same is true if part of your recruitment branding strategy includes a blog (how many hits, clicks on links in your blog post, and how long visitors stay on individual posts). These data points can also help drive editorial decisions regarding your published content. If certain entries drive higher traffic rates than others, then your visitors signal the content that matters most to them.

Part and parcel to web traffic analytics are video views via your YouTube page or another third-party video housing service integrated with your website.

Brand awareness

business-5475661_1280What search terms are job seekers using to find you? Whether via a search engine like Google or a job board like Indeed, the closer and more specific job seekers search for you by brand.

How large is your social media following? How many contacts do you have via email marketing campaigns? How many unique visitors do you have to your website instead of returning visitors? These metrics are critical in measuring ROI in recruitment marketing and overall employer branding frameworks and strategies.

Any and all metrics you can glean from your content marketing and recruitment efforts can help you develop your best practices and make your proposition stronger to recruit the caliber of candidates you're looking for. 

But, much like any other marketing endeavor, there are certain pitfalls, potholes, and potential hurdles to watch out for.

Common Missteps in Recruitment Marketing

young business people taking notes on education training conference seminar, students at modern classroomYou've discovered the essential strategies, pathways, and elements of excellence in recruitment marketing and employer branding to thrive in today's competitive job market. While these lessons are valuable for advancing your recruitment marketing strategy, their true potential can only be realized through an in-depth exploration of their origins, their significance in driving success, and how these principles and concepts can help you avoid wasting valuable resources, time, and effort.

Awareness of common pitfalls in recruitment and employer branding is critical. These missteps can potentially undermine your recruitment strategy and negatively impact your employer brand.

Your Window For Success

Perhaps one of the more damning (if not the most damning) missteps a recruitment team can make in marketing and employer branding is establishing an unrealistic timeline for success in devising a recruitment marketing strategy. The same principle applies to sales and marketing strategies when Inbound Marketing is employed in any B2B or B2C context. Content marketing takes time. Inbound strategies are about playing the long game. Recruitment marketing and employer branding are no different.

Defining your voice and tone, building a captive audience, and moving that captive audience (both the passive and active job seeker) may take many months to achieve or bear fruit.

From a pure recruitment standpoint, you wouldn't post a position to a job board or professional organization career center on a Friday and expect applications to roll in en masse by Monday morning, right? Sure, you may check your applicant flow tied directly to this position once or twice a week, but if you received 5 or 6 quality applications from such a post over 60 days, you'd call that a success.

Same for recruitment marketing content. You're building a pipeline with this recruitment strategy, which requires nurturing time and patience.

Lack of authenticity

Perhaps the second more egregious misstep a recruitment team can make in crafting and deploying a recruitment marketing and employerPR Manager Vacancy in Newspaper. Job Search Concept. branding strategy is ignoring authenticity in favor of stock images, generic team member testimonials, or canned responses to social media posts and inquiries.

Ask today's job seekers what they value from an employer or what grabs and holds their attention in terms of marketing and its authenticity – job seekers want to feel potential employers are speaking to them honestly and candidly about the organization's narrative, goals and how a team member can fit into their culture. Don't spin a story about your business that's untrue. 

This is why engaging current employees in testimonial campaigns, utilizing actual team member photos, and determining who your audience is. The messaging most resonating with them is critical in creating an authentic brand identity. In short, if you will engage in recruitment marketing and employer branding, do it. Today, job seekers are too shrewd, have too many resources, and are hit with so many avenues for recruitment content and employer branding that spotting a half-hearted attempt is easier than ever.


Misevaluating The Job Seeker

Effective recruitment marketing content knows its audience – it knows who it is trying to speak to, why it is speaking, and the value proposition of any given statement or idea relative to the audience it is attempting to entice.

Imagine you're a regional healthcare provider. Would you speak to a registered nurse with 20 years of experience about your organizational culture like you'd address a healthcare mechanic? Does this nurse care about the same benefits as the healthcare mechanic? Probably not. Thus, these two audiences require different messaging and distribution platforms to be reached and successfully brought into your application pipeline.

The same goes for job seekers at different stages of their careers. A registered nurse with 20 years of experience will care more about different elements of your organization than a registered nurse fresh out of school and looking for their first gig.

It may sound elementary, but not properly evaluating the job seeker you're trying to attract and how you need to engage with that job seeker (messaging, tone, distribution vessel) can derail your recruitment strategy before it gets off the ground.

Ignoring internal partnerships

Don't forget: even though you're a recruiter, talent acquisition specialist, or HR generalist, you're not alone in talent sourcing – your entireTwo creative millenial small business owners working on social media strategy using a digital tablet while sitting in staircase organization thrives and depends on the right person filling the right role at the right time. This means recruitment teams must not ignore opportunities for cross-organizational partnerships and collaboration in content creation or curation.

Especially as an organization's size grows, the likelihood of communication and collaboration silos becomes more and more prevalent. Whether it's working with your sales and marketing team, compliance team, logistics, and supply chain team, or the C Suite, remember that part of a successful recruitment marketing and employer branding scheme is relying on the thought leaders within your organization to intelligently and effectively help you share your company's narrative and brand.

Inconsistency across platforms

You're likely leveraging yourself across multiple platforms in any effective recruitment marketing or employer branding strategy.

  • A website and blog.

  • Social media like Facebook and Instagram.

  • Career and recruitment websites like Indeed and LinkedIn.

  • Video streaming platforms like YouTube.

While the user bases on some of these platforms may align with each other, many may not – for example, a LinkedIn user in their 40s may not be as visible or engaged on YouTube as a recent college grad. That doesn't mean your visual identity and core mission values should change. Your recruitment content strategy needs to be consistent across all major platforms. Ensure that the content you're creating and the narrative you're forwarding is aligned and unified across each outlet.

This works on a two-pronged approach: first, it ensures your company's narrative and value proposition are reaching the most extensive and most varied candidate pools possible, and second, it demonstrates to job seekers who may encounter you on multiple platforms that you're fluent and capable of creating consistency and stability in a multi-platform world.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is recruitment marketing?
Recruitment marketing is attracting, engaging, and nurturing candidates for job opportunities within an organization. It involves using marketing strategies and tactics to build and maintain a talent pool of qualified candidates interested in working for the company.

In other words, recruitment marketing is a proactive approach to finding and attracting top talent. It involves developing and promoting the company's employer brand, identifying and targeting potential candidates, and building relationships with those candidates over time.

Some examples of recruitment marketing tactics include:

  • Creating and promoting a company career website
  • Using social media to share job openings and highlight company culture
  • Partnering with schools and universities to attract new graduates
  • Developing employee referral programs
  • Creating targeted job ads
  • Hosting job fairs and networking events
The goal of recruitment marketing is to build a pool of qualified candidates interested in working for the company and are more likely to apply for job openings when they become available. It helps companies attract top talent and fill job openings more efficiently.
How does recruitment marketing differ from traditional hiring?
Traditional hiring typically involves posting job openings and waiting for candidates to apply. This approach relies on candidates finding the job posting and deciding to apply rather than the company proactively reaching out to potential candidates.

Recruitment marketing, on the other hand, involves proactively attracting and engaging potential candidates through targeted outreach and messaging. This might include using social media to share job openings and highlight company culture, creating targeted job ads, or hosting job fairs and networking events.

Recruitment marketing also involves building relationships with potential candidates over time rather than just trying to fill a specific job opening. This might include sending newsletters or updates to candidates who have shown interest in working for the company or hosting events specifically for potential candidates.

The goal of recruitment marketing is to build a pool of qualified candidates interested in working for the company. They are more likely to apply for job openings when they become available. It helps companies attract top talent and fill job openings more efficiently.
Why is recruitment marketing important?
There are several reasons why recruitment marketing is important:

  • It helps companies build a strong employer brand: Recruitment marketing involves promoting its employer brand and showcasing what makes the company a great place to work. This can help attract top talent and differentiate the company from its competitors.
  • It attracts a diverse pool of candidates: Recruitment marketing allows companies to reach out to a wide range of potential candidates rather than just relying on candidates who happen to come across a job posting. This can help companies attract a more diverse pool of candidates.
  • It helps companies fill job openings more quickly and efficiently: By proactively attracting and engaging candidates, companies can fill them more quickly and efficiently. This can save time and resources that would otherwise be spent on traditional hiring efforts.
  • It can reduce the cost per hire: Recruitment marketing can help companies fill job openings with qualified candidates who are a good fit for the company, reducing the need for additional hiring and training costs. This can lead to a lower cost per hire.
Overall, recruitment marketing helps companies attract top talent and establish themselves as an employer of choice. It can also improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the hiring process.
What tactics are used in recruitment marketing?

Several tactics are commonly used in recruitment marketing:

  • Social media recruitment: Using social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter to share job openings, highlight company culture, and engage with potential candidates.
  • Job board posting: Posting job openings on job boards and career websites to reach a wide audience of job seekers.
  • Team member referrals: Encouraging current employees to refer friends and colleagues for job openings.
  • Candidate experience optimization: Improving the candidate experience throughout the hiring process to make it as seamless and enjoyable as possible. This might include streamlining the application process, providing timely communication, and offering personalized feedback.
  • Employer branding: Building and promoting the company's employer brand to attract top talent. This might include creating branded content, showcasing employee experiences, and highlighting company values and culture.
  • Candidate relationship management: Building relationships with potential candidates over time rather than just trying to fill a specific job opening. This might include sending newsletters or updates, hosting events, or offering career development resources.
These tactics can help companies attract and engage with a qualified pool of candidates interested in working for the company.
How can I measure the effectiveness of my recruitment marketing efforts?
Several metrics can be used to measure the effectiveness of recruitment marketing efforts:

  • Number of job applications received: Tracking the number of job applications received can give insight into the reach and effectiveness of recruitment marketing efforts.
  • Quality of candidates: Evaluating the quality of candidates who apply for job openings can help determine the effectiveness of recruitment marketing efforts in attracting top talent.
  • Time to fill job openings: Tracking the time it takes to fill them can help determine the efficiency of the recruitment process.
  • Cost per hire: Calculating the cost per hire (the total cost of recruitment divided by the number of hires) can help determine the cost-effectiveness of recruitment marketing efforts.
By tracking these metrics, companies can get a sense of the effectiveness of their recruitment marketing efforts and identify areas for improvement. It's important to note that different metrics may be more relevant for different companies and roles, so it's important to identify the metrics that are most meaningful for your organization.

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